What a lovely Christmas and a wonderful way to end 2010. It's always fun when family gets together.
I've seen a lot of posts on 2010 completed projects and many have posted their goals for 2011. I'm going to try keeping my blog up this year. I can't predict how many garments or projects I will complete in 2011. I only sew for myself in the minute or two here and there.
I have a full time day job, and I also sew for other people, mostly alterations. Occasionally, I finish needlepoint and knitting projects and some of them are interesting pieces that I really enjoy working on. I think I will try to post some of those pieces this year.
I picked up crochet again this year. I completed several tops in 2010, which I really should blog about. They are fun to wear and are flattering on. I have one that is ready to sew together, but my daughter wants it and I don't want to share, so I've put off finishing it. I'll make one for her later, but I want this one for myself. I would like to finish a shawl I started in October. It is one that will work into the spring and evenings at the symphony or out to dinner. I don't make many shawls because my mother knits the most beautiful ones and uses the most exquisite yarns.
Today I took in four shirts for my son that have been sitting in my pile for a while. I think to begin the new year, I will finish up some projects that have been hanging over my head. His shirts was one of those. There are others for family and clients, and some for me. A few already begun and others just waiting for me to start. I hope to "clear the decks" so to speak, but to start, I desperately need to clean up the sewing studio. We will see how the weekend progresses.
For now, I am spending New Year's Eve with my youngest daughter (the dancer) while her older sister (the artist) is in Boston visiting with some of her college buddies, and her brother (the musician) is out with friends.
Life is Good - it's SewLovely :)
Happy New Year