Even more important than that - I have a little bragging to do. My oldest DD was voted to Homecoming Court. I did not have time to make her dress(es) this year, but I have made them the past three years. We found lovely RTW dresses that she was very happy with. I was informed that she had to have three. One for the parade, one for the football game, and one for the dance. My favorite was one she wore for the Homecoming football game, however, I sew very well - I do NOT take very good photos. I hope to get a good picture of her in that dress soon, because it was the perfect dress for her. Since she is senior yearbook editor, I'm sure she will be getting lots of pictures from several sources.
It was my youngest DD's first homecoming. She said she looks like Christmas in her red dress. I love that it will do double duty. She is singing a solo during our Christmas Eve service, and this is a beautiful dress for her.
Homecoming Dance Tickets for two daughters - $50
Shoes and accessories - $75
Dresses for parade, ballgame, and dance - $215
The excitement and smiles on their faces, plus memories to last a lifetime - PRICELESS!!!
One more thing today - Happy Birthday to my son. He was recently in a wedding, so the reason for the tux. This picture is with his girlfriend. They look good together, don't they?
My next big project - costumes for a local dance and acting group. I have the pattern and fabric, and I have the girl's measurements for six little Medieval princesses. This week, I will get with the director and measure for the "Ornaments From Around the World." These costumes will represent Christmas customs and dress from around the world. I am hoping that the girls in this dance will learn a little their heritage by wearing costumes that reflect their family's heritage. I know one is of oriental heritage, so I would love to make a Kimono for her. I also know one will wear a St. Lucia costume. Obviously, this will be a Christmas program.
I'll try my best to keep up my blog as I work on the costumes. I'm sure I will be burning the midnight oil several nights. The first program is December 5th.
More to come.